

「不跑,就回不了家」 (Run, and Go Hme)

林豪鏘 (Koong LIN)-國立台南大學數位系、李政宗 (Francis Li)

這件作品的靈感,來自Lawrence Block的小說「The Burglars Who Painted Like Mondrian」與唐諾的「從莫內到羅登拔」。我們生於水平與垂直所構成的幾何家鄉,總是環伺在雜遝的腳步聲中,引領企盼著逐日成長,毅然振翼高飛。而在終究進入異鄉國度後,卻開始沈浸於歧義之美,思索如何回家的多層次或然。於焉我嘗試用跑步的方式,測量諸多兩地之間的距離。讓自己身無分文,從異地跑回家,以破釜沈舟的心態埋首拼命跑,品味這種「不跑,就回不了家」的一點點靈光。此般跑步模式,形成了一種體現事物本質細節的認知途徑;穿梭在街坊小道,計算週遭看似熟悉卻又陌生的景緻所佔的篇幅規模。猶若Claude Levi-Strauss所說的:「而我們的眼睛卻喪失了辨別能力,我們不再知道怎麼去看待事物。」主觀的規律性,使我們洞見了流光凍結,如此慧黠。我們的創作不再臣屬於理論,於是腳步可以無限輕盈。

This artwork (The Felicitous Dinner Series) is created by using Max/MSP/Jitter and Sobel operations, and based on the interaction among images, sounds, and MIDI music. This work is created through the following steps: decibel transformation, tracing of the peak sound, automatic event detection, usage of sound event message, edge detection, generating MIDI music via sound signals, controlling the image processing via sound signals, automatic change of RGB brightness, and so on.This is an interactive digital artwork. In this video work, the author recorded the felicitous feeling of the expectation on the dinner prepared by his wife when he was on the road toward his dormitory. In this work, the author inputted the sound gathered when his wife was busy in the kitchen, and then the program automatically generated some MIDI music, and changed the image of the video so that it got some tempo. Therefore, the expectation on the felicitous dinner became some music notes, and all the sights became rhythmic.