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雨 (Rain) 張華城 (Hua-Cheng Chang)-南台科大多媒體娛樂系所長 科學的發明與發現,大量地運用在改善人類生活上,不僅帶來便利也開拓了人類視野的新疆界。而媒體資訊以及科技技術的進步與刺激,改變了人類精神及物質上既有觀念上的認知,也使新媒材、工具與平臺的道路變得更加寬廣以及多元。「科技藝術」已成了一種新藝術創作形式的專有名詞。二十世紀科學的發展主宰了人類文明的各個領域,在藝術層面上,運用科技與媒體來展現,逐漸地已經成為當代藝術表現的一種重要方法,近年來甚至有超過傳統藝術形式的趨勢。在本裝置中,也運用了科技技術,透過直接的回饋方式,使觀賞者能夠與作品作雙向互動,直覺的了解作品本身意涵,模擬在真實世界中的體驗。 (雨rain) 是多媒體互動裝置作品,以簡單不複雜互動之行為,使藝術昇華至有趣好玩的面貌,在透過單純化的概念傳遞給每位使用者,讓使用者更能輕易的瞭解藝術而接近藝術。我想這就是我們所想要傳達的概念。而在內容呈現方面投影、粒子、影像辨識技術,讓使用者能透過強烈光源所打出的影子做出肢體動作,就能夠及時直接性的觸碰(雨)元素,就如同真實世界中下雨時的效果,如潑水、積雨、遮擋,而當影子被大量雨淋道時,影子就會顯現出漣漪的效果與聲音效果,讓作品更加活潑有趣。 Scientific invention and discovery, a large number to use in improving human life, not only have to open up to facilitate the vision of human community in Xinjiang. And media information and technology and technological progress and an incentive to change the human spirit and the concept of material on both the cognitive, but also new media, tools and platforms, as well as roads become more broad diversified. "Art Technology" has become a new art form of proper nouns. The twentieth century is the key to the scientific development of human civilization in all fields of artistic level, the use of technology and the media to show, gradually the performance of contemporary art has become an important method, in recent years, even more than the trend of traditional art forms. In this device, but also the use of the science and technology, through direct feedback, so as to enable the viewer with works for two-way interaction, intuitive understanding of the meaning of work itself, simulation in the real world experience. (Rain ) is a multi-media interactive installation works by a simple interactive behavior is not complicated to make interesting art sublimation fun to look at the concept through a simple transfer to each user, allowing users to more easily understand the art close to art. I think this is what we want to convey the concept. In regard to the contents of a projector, particle, image recognition technology to enable users to a strong light source through the shadow made by his movements, will be able to direct the touch in time (rain) elements, just as the real world when it rains effects, such as water, rain plot, block, and when the rain shadow has been a large number of Road, the shadow will show the effect of ripples and sound effects, so that a more lively and interesting work.
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