

短暫的一生 (Short Life and Fast too)

張耘之 (Yun-Chih Chang (Monbaza))-崑山科大視覺傳達系教授

以高亮度的電漿螢幕呈現經過即時動態模糊處理 的視覺畫面,內容可以約略看出是許多人的近攝照片之串連,指尖控 制的壓力感應器,則會依觀者觸碰的力度來對應視覺畫面的亮度,壓 的越用力則畫面越亮,若觀者以快速點擊壓力感應器的話,則可以看 到模糊的人臉快速閃動,企圖藉此使觀者映照到自身的生命經驗。

The perfect viewing condition is as the picture shows. One sit close to a blurred image while he/her finger performs as a pressure device to control the brightness of that image. One is expected to experience time when viewing blurred people image.