Accepted papers
Main Track
Techniques for Incorporating Humor in Game Design
Zhu, Ying (Georgia State University)
What Role Does Touch Play in Gaming and Storytelling?
Gao, Yang (University of Oxford); Spence, Charles (University of Oxford)
Analyzing Aesthetics of Arabic Handwriting through Hand Kinematics
Babushkin, Vahan (New York University Abu Dhabi; Tandon School of Engineering); Alsuradi, Haneen (New York University Abu Dhabi); Al-Khalil, Muhamed Osman (New York University Abu Dhabi); Eid, Mohamad (New York University Abu Dhabi)
A Novel Web-Based Tool for Modelling, Visualising, and Generating Interactions in Interactive Art
Xu, Dan (Leiden University); Lamers, Maarten H. (Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science, Leiden University); van der Heide, Edwin (Media Technology Research Group, LIACS)
Exploring Everyday Environment Shadow Display Concepts in Immersive VR
Hurtig, Kuisma (University of Lapland); Gong, Zhengya (University of Lapland); Häkkilä Jonna (University of Lapland)
A Study on Reducing Communication‐bound Apprehension in Web Meeting Using Facial Expression Deformation
Enoki, Kosei (Toyo University); Ishikawa, Tomokazu (Toyo University)
Multisensory Floral Clock: Enhanced Multisensory Timekeeping with Technological Design
Gao, Yang (University of Oxford); Spence, Charles (University of Oxford)
Leader-follower Human-Cobot Improvised Dance using Motion Capture Systems
Goncalves, Vinicius (New York University); Giakoumidis, Nikolas (New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD),); Moore, Merritt (New York UNiversity Abu Dhabi); Tzes, Anthony (New York University Abu Dhabi)
What makes teaching Design challenging? An analysis of Design Education challenges in the age of AI
Beniwal, Ganesh (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay); Das, Syaamantak (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)
Love in Action: Gamifying Public Video Cameras for Fostering Social Relationships in Real World
Zhang, Zhang (Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences); Li, Da (Institue of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences); Wu, Geng (Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences); Li, Yaoning (Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences); Sun, Xiaobing (Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences); Wang, Liang (Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Participatory Media Art Documentation: The Relaunch of the Archive of Digital Art (ADA)
Rühse, Viola (University for Continuing Education Krems/Center for Image Science)
Validating AI-Generated Stimuli for Assessing Implicit Weight Bias
Tassinari, Matilde (University of Helsinki)
Design and Development of a Serious game as a social critique of the public transportation in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua
De la Torre Rodríguez, Alejandra Lucía (Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez); Corral Meléndez, Eric (Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez); Guzman Rivera, Rodrigo Eulogio (Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez); Barraza Castillo, Ramón Iván (Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez)
Live Coding and Power of Performing Arts
Maric, Jasmina (Chalmers / CSE / Interaction Design); Murali Rani, Lekshmi (Chalmers/ CSE / Software Engineering)
Research on the Effects of Artistic Lighting on Creative Work
Nakatsu, Ryohei (Kyoto University); Kanai, Shun (Kyoto University); Yamada, Akihiro (Mitsubishi Electric); Yuge, Seiro (Mitsubishi Electric); Kusumi, Takashi (Kyoto University); Tosa, Naoko (Kyoto University)
Applying Strategic Design Thinking in Branding: Insights from Third-Year Visual Communication Students’ Case Studies
Lazkani, Ousama (University of Sharjah)