ArtsIT 2014 - Full Program
Monday November 10th |
9.00 to 9.30 |
Registration |
9.30 to 9.45 |
Welcome to ArtsIT 2014 in Istanbul by Elif Ayiter |
9.45 to 10.30 |
ArtsIT 2014 Introduction by Tony Brooks |
10.30 to 11.00 |
Coffee Break |
11.00 to 11.30 |
Presentation: "The Substance of the Body in the Societies of the Contemporary Arts" by Emmanouela Vogiatzaki and Artur Krukowski |
11.30 to 12.00 |
Presentation: "Google DevArt: Following the Success of Google’s Android Market in the Visual Arts?" by JungHyun Anna Park, Sang-Yeal Han |
12.00 to 14.00 |
Lunch break |
14.00 to 15.00 |
Keynote talk: "From analog to digital, fictive vs. documentary: An ongoing journey" by Murat Germen |
15.00 to 15.30 |
Coffee Break |
15.30 to 17.30 |
Art Session: Begüm Bahçecik, Berkay Kaya, Deniz Cem Önduygu, Doruk Türkmen, Mert Toka, Murat Durusoy, Osman Koç, Servet Ulaş, Sina Cem Çetin. |
Tuesday November 11th |
9.00 to 9.30 |
Presentation: "Generation of Engineering Research Directions through Artistic Process" by Marco Pinter, Angus Graeme Forbes, Danny Bazo, and George Legrady |
9.30 to 10.00 |
Presentation: "Virtual Idol Hatsune Miku: New Auratic Experience of the Performer as a Collaborative Platform" by Jelena Guga |
10.00 to 10.30 |
Presentation: "Traditional Painting Revised: The Ambient Intelligence Approach to Creativity" by Nikolaos Partarakis, Margherita Antona, Emmanouel Zidianakis, Panagiotis Koutlemanis and Constantine Stephanidis |
10.30 to 11.00 |
Coffee Break |
11.00 to 11.30 |
Presentation: "When Technology Collaborates: Politics and the Aesthetic of “We” Human-and-Technology" by Hyunkyoung cho, Timothy W. Luke, and Joonsung Yoon |
11.30 to 12.00 |
Presentation: "Poetry of Separation:the aesthetics of spatial montage and generative editing for multi-layered screens" by Bahng So Jung, Yoo Doo Won,Hutchings Patrick, Shi Chung Kon, Wakefield Graham |
12.00 to 14.00 |
Lunch Break |
14.00 to 15.00 |
Keynote talk: " Notes Towards a History of Art, Code and Autonomy" by Paul Brown |
15.00 to 15.30 |
Coffee Break |
15.30 to 16.00 |
Presentation: "Technologies Expand Aesthetic Dimensions: Visualization and Sonification of Embodied Penwald Drawings" by Myounghoon Jeon, Steven Landry, Joseph D. Ryan, and James W. Walker |
16.00 to 16.30 |
Presentation: "Exploring Felt Qualities of Embodied Interaction with Movement and Sound" by Cumhur Erkut, AnuRajala-Erkut , and Sofia Dahl. |
Tuesday November 11th |
20.00 to 23.00 |
ArtsIT 2014 Gala Dinner |
Wednesday November 12th |
9.00 to 9.30 |
Presentation: "A Proposal for the Creation of a Dance Ontology" by Annabel Clarance |
9.30 to 10.00 |
Presentation: "Interactive Internet theatre (Interactive multimedia solutions at the New Aleksandrinsky Theatre Stage)" by NikolayBorisov, ArtemSmolin, Denis Stolyarov, PavelShcherbakov |
10.00 to 10.30 |
Presentation: "Design of a non-intrusive augmented trumpet" by Claudia Rinaldi, Federica Battisti, Marco Carli, and Luigi Pomante |
10.30 to 11.00 |
Coffee Break |
11.00 to 11.30 |
Presentation: "Digital Creativity: Children’s Playful Mastery of Technology" by Eva Petersson Brooks, Anthony Lewis Brooks |
11.30 to 12.00 |
Presentation: "Authoring of digital games via card games: make playful play happen" by Andrea Valente, Emanuela Marchetti |
12.00 to 14.00 |
Lunch break |
14.00 to 14.30 |
Presentation: "Large-Scale Analysis of Art Proportions" by Kristoffer Jensen |
14.30 to 15.00 |
Presentation: "Augmented Sculptures: What You See is not What You See" by Selçuk Artut |
15.00 to 15.30 |
Coffee Break |
15.30 to 17.00 |
Roundtable discussion: @ ArtsIT: What is the outcome if work on novel ICT is linked with artistic expression? This is the question asked by the study 'ICT ART CONNECT' funded by the European Commission and the question raised during the roundtable. |