Steering Committee

Steering Chair
Dr. Anthony (aka Tony) Brooks is acknowledged and celebrated as an eminent and renowned Emeritus Professor of Aalborg University, Denmark, with his research resulting in national and international awards of significance; national and international multi-million Euros funded projects, and his being conferred fellow of international societies for his global contributions (e.g., ICAT; EAI). His focus is on researching ways of achieving human afferent efferent neural feedback loop closure vis participants’ creative self-expression from within Brooks’ optimised adaptive technical sensing system(s). The research is applied across ranges of participants across diagnosis/dysfunction, age (young/old), and situation. Interested in the effects of interpersonal multisensory stimulation (IMS) on the mental representation of the self beyond solely visual (multimedia mirroring) and investigating how alternative channels of selectable stimuli and interfaces impact residual damaged sensing in (re)habilitation. Brooks is famously acknowledged as coining/branding “Virtual Interactive Space”;”Aesthetic Resonance”; “ArtAbilitation”; “GameAbilitation”; “AquAbilitation”; “SoundScapes”; and “TeleAbilitation”… alongside being recognized as a first pioneer investigating self-created gesture-based invisible sensing apparatus mapped to interactive computer feedback in the form of selectable digital content i.e., music, sounds/effects, visuals, audiovisuals, robotic devices, video games, virtual reality, and more, applied within healthcare (re)habilitation and well-being research.