14th EAI International Conference: ArtsIT, Interactivity & Game Creation
ArtsIT 2025 Deadlines
Notification deadline
- 15 August 2025
Camera-ready deadline
- 30 September 2025
Notification deadline
- 1st August 2024
Camera-ready deadline
- 20th August 2024
Notification deadline
- 1st August 2024
Camera-ready deadline
- 20th August 2024
EAI ArtsIT 2025
- November 13-15, 2025
“Event Update:
This event is being relocated.
More details coming soon.”
ArtsIT brings together a diverse international community of researchers, practitioners, artists, and academics from various disciplines to explore the dynamic relationship between art and information technology across a range of distinct domains. Since its inception in 2009, ArtsIT has been established as a prominent scientific platform for sharing cutting-edge research findings at the convergence of art, science, culture, performing arts, media, and technology. Artistic practice utilizing digital media serves not only as a means of analyzing and critically reflecting on the influence of technology on our lives, culture, and society but also as a tool for fostering discussions on sustainability, responsibility, and human dignity. In addition to the main track that includes topics such digital artworks and cultural heritage, audio art, games and gamification, immersive technologies and interactive art installations, the event dedicates attention to recent advancements that have made significant contributions to the field in recent years, such as virtualization, artificial intelligence and big data, virtual reality and the metaverse, with dedicated sessions. In an attempt to bridge the gap between research in art and technology, this interdisciplinary conference aims to enrich both fields and contribute to the development of new ideas, experiences, and global societal advancements. The convergence of Art and Tech can cultivate innovation and stimulate imaginative thought.
The conference aims to bring together artists and technologists to join forces to challenge the limitations within their respective domains, while through the merging artistic expression with technological progress, novel concepts, methodologies, and modes of creative expression can arise.

ArtsIT conference proceedings received
Conference proceedings
All registered papers will be submitted for publishing by Springer – LNICST series and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library: ArtsIT Conference Proceedings.
Proceedings will be submitted for inclusion in leading indexing services, such as Web of Science, Compendex, Scopus, DBLP, EU Digital Library, Google Scholar, IO-Port, MathSciNet, Inspec, and Zentralblatt MATH.
Available Journals
All accepted authors are eligible to submit an extended version in a fast track of:
By paying an additional $150, authors can publish their articles in the EAI Endorsed Transactions journal selected by the conference (Scopus and Ei-indexed):
The article’s publication is subject to the following requirements:
- It must be an extended version of the conference paper with a different title and abstract. In general, 30% of new content must be added.
- The article will be processed once the conference proceedings have been published.
- The article will be processed using the fast-track option.
Once the conference proceedings are published, the corresponding author should contact us at [email protected] with the details of their article to begin processing.
Additional publication opportunities:
- EAI Transactions series (Open Access)
- EAI/Springer Innovations in Communications and Computing Book Series
(titles in this series are indexed in Ei Compendex, Web of Science & Scopus)

Seattle, located in the Pacific Northwest, is a city surrounded by water, mountains, and forests. Known as the birthplace of tech giants and grunge music, it blends innovation with creativity. Iconic landmarks include the Space Needle, Pike Place Market, and the waterfront. The city offers stunning views and easy access to outdoor adventures. With its coffee culture and laid-back vibe, Seattle is both dynamic and welcoming.
14th EAI International Conference: ArtsIT, Interactivity & Game Creation will take place
From 26 - 28 Nov 2025 in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
“PervasiveHealth 2025 will be held in October 2025, in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, hosted by the Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e).
PervasiveHealth is a premier international forum with a specific focus on technologies and human factors related to the use of ubiquitous computing in healthcare and for well-being. PervasiveHealth 2025 will focus on the use of data, AI, and connectivity as creative material for empowering patients, caregivers, and people in general, by integrating technology, materiality, and aesthetic qualities, with particular interest in the impact of technical connectivity on social connectedness and on the behavior changes and societal transformations in healthcare, especially in informal care.
TU/e is the center of one of the most powerful technology hubs in the world: Brainport Eindhoven. Globally, TU/e stands out when it comes to collaborating with advanced industries, including companies such as ASML and Philips. Together with other institutions, It forms a thriving ecosystem with one common aim – to improve quality of life through sustainable innovations.
The conference will be located at Evoluon – a landmark, a museum, and a conference center. The conference will be followed by the Dutch Design Week, an event about Dutch and international design, with exhibitions, studio visits, workshops, and seminars across the city.”

Prof. Jun Hu
Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)
14th EAI ArtsIT International Conference 2025
Why Attend?
ArtsIT 2025 brings together a global community of artists, technologists, and researchers to explore how art and technology converge to drive innovation and creativity. With a focus on topics like AI, VR, cultural heritage, and the metaverse, the conference offers a platform to discuss how digital media shapes society, culture, and sustainability.
Through inspiring talks, interactive sessions, and groundbreaking presentations, ArtsIT fosters collaboration across disciplines, encouraging new ideas and methodologies that challenge traditional boundaries. Join us to be part of the conversation at the crossroads of art and technology, where imagination meets innovation.

- Accepted Papers from 15+ Countries
- Workshop- IOT in Health Research
- Exciting Social Program
- Insightful Posters Session
Listen to experience from 2024 edition
EAI ArtsIT 2024 podcast
EAI ArtsIT proceedings
EAI ArtsIT Deep Dive Conversation
Our sponsors

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