How to reach Esbjerg
When planning your travel to Esbjerg you have different transport options. Esbjerg can be reached by airplane, train, ferry, car and bus, depending where you travel from.
Esbjerg is serviced from four airports / Esbjerg (5 minutes to venue), Billund (40 minutes to venue), Aarhus (75 minutes to venue) and Copenhagen (3 hours).
Esbjerg railway station is operated by Danish State Railways. Esbjerg is the western terminus of InterCity trains from Copenhagen (operating every other hour), with the journey taking about three hours. DSB also operates local trains to Fredericia. Arriva operates Vestbanen local trains south to Ribe and Tønder and north to Struer.
Ferry services connect Esbjerg via Ho Bay to Nordby on the island of Fanø via Nordic Ferry Service, and over the North Sea to Harwich, England via DFDS Seaways. Outside the summer period, Smyril Line operate to Tórshavn in the Faroe Islands.
For more info visit the following websites:
Travel Information and useful links
Esbjerg tourist board official website.
Ribe, the oldest town of Denmark. Please see pages 10-11 for information regarding the local Viking sites and tours.