Call for Demos

 EAI ArtsIT 2024 invites Demonstrations and Exhibitions from laboratories or research groups,
whether from academic or industry sectors that address innovative and important topics related to
Arts and Technology, Interactivity, and Game Creation.

Share your innovation idea, get instant feedback from an expert audience and transform your research project into a business idea.

Important Dates

31 August 2024

Full Paper Submission deadline

25 September 2024

Notification deadline

15 October 2024

Camera-ready deadline

Scope and Topics

These demonstrations should capture the attention of the diverse community in Arts and Technology and be suitable for presentation in a conference setting, showcasing novel and innovative work. The conference will supply the necessary basic infrastructure for the demos. Furthermore, authors of accepted demonstrations will deliver a concise overview during a fast-forward research demonstration session, summarizing their demo and connecting it to the ongoing research activities in their lab/field.

The 2024 conference is scheduled to be an in-person event, and demonsrations will take place at the physical conference venue. For each accepted demo, at least one author is mandated to register for the conference and participate in the demo session in person.

  1. Artificial Intelligence and Big Data
  2. Audio Art & Sonification
  3. Design
  4. Digital Artworks Addressing the Sustainable Development Goals
  5. Digital Storytelling
  6. Digital Cultural Heritage
  7. Digital Musical Interfaces
  8. Games & Gamification
  9. Human Computer & Human Robot Interaction
  10. Interactive Art & Interactive Installations
  11. Media Art
  12. Metaverse, Avatars and Presence
  13. Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Performance
  14. Virtual Worlds and Practices

Demo Track Chairs

Esen Küçüktütüncü   
EventLab, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

Ali Najm   
CYENS, Centre of Excellence, Cyprus

Lisa Izzouzi 
University College London, UK

Demo Submission Instructions

Papers should be submitted through EAI ‘Confy+’ system and have to comply with the Springer format (see Author’s kit section).

The demo paper should be up to 3 pages in length. We kindly request that you provide your full name, affiliation, and email address along with your submission. The Accepted demo papers will be a part of the proceedings, but they will be not indexed.

Please be as specific as possible when describing what you will display or demonstrate for your demo, to help us better understand your research and its potential impact. Please note that the demo session will be held in person. At least one author of the accepted demo should be present at the conference to deliver the demonstration. We strongly encourage in-person presentations but will give an online option for those who cannot attend the meeting. A demo video (up to 5 minutes) must be provided no later than 15 August 2024.

Please include the information in your submission if your demonstration requires special arrangements or additional equipment. It’s important to note that all other equipment and needs are subject to budget approval. We will try our best to accommodate your requirements, so please be as straightforward as possible in your submission.


Papers should be submitted through EAI ‘Confy+‘ system, and have to comply with the Springer format (see Author’s kit section).

– Demos papers should be in English;
– Demos papers should be up to 3 pages in length;
– Demos papers should not have been previously published in demonstration form and not simultaneously submitted to any other venue;
– Demos papers do NOT follow a double-blind review process.
– Demos papers are recommended to include, at the end of the abstract, an URL pointing to the video of the demos (up to 5 minutes).

Submissions will be evaluated based on their originality, significance of the contribution to the field, technical correctness and the quality of the presentation. The submission should make explicit how the work offers a unique and substantial contributions beyond what has already been published or submitted.


Accepted and registered Demos will be showcased at the venue and open to the conference participants. Authors will need to be available for installation, and for facilitating interaction with their work at scheduled times during the conference at their designated Demo table. Authors are expected to bring physical equipment for a prototype demonstration.


All registered papers will be submitted for publishing by Springer and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library: ArtsIT Conference Proceedings. The Accepted Demo papers will be a part of the proceedings, but they will be not indexed.

Accepted submissions will receive a fast-track opportunity to publish an extended version of the paper in one of the indexed EAI Endorsed Transactions.


If you have any questions, please contact the Demos Chairs:

Ali Najm <[email protected]>

Esen Kucuktutuncu <[email protected]>

Lisa Izzouzi <[email protected]>


Transport systems in industry 5.0
  1. Development of digital twins focused on decision-makers
  2. Industry 5.0 and Sports Science
  3. Workshop Chair: Carlos Martner
Attendance: scientists, students and professionals