On-site presentation guide

Instructions for on-site presenters of EAI ArtsIT 2024:

On-Site Presentation Options:

1. On-site authors are required to bring their presentation on a USB drive. You may use your own or one provided by us.
2. Alternatively, you can submit your presentations in advance by emailing them to [email protected] and CCing the conference manager, Veronika Kissova at [email protected].

We will display your slides on the screen and provide you with a remote to control them. We recommend using .pptx or PDF format for your slides.

Presentation Instructions:
15 min presentation & 5 min for Q&A sessions

Presentation time is crucial. To manage your time effectively, structure your slides around the key points you want to make, using no more than one slide per minute. Keep slides simple and readable. 

Be ready to start your presentation as soon as the previous one finishes, as staying on schedule is important. Meet with your session chair during the break just before your session, either inside or near the presentation room. If the room is available, take the opportunity to test the equipment.

Key Points:

-Users must bring their own adapter/converter if using their own laptops.

-Ensure your presentation runs smoothly on a Windows platform if you’re using Mac or Linux.

-Test videos or animations.

-Embed all fonts used in your presentation.

-Ensure your slides are visible to the entire audience.


Poster Authors:

Poster sessions provide an excellent opportunity for authors to showcase their papers and engage in detailed technical discussions with interested attendees. It is crucial to present your content clearly and prominently to attract those who may be interested in your work.

Prepare key talking points to present periodically to the audience gathered around your poster throughout the session. Focus on highlighting the core innovation of your research and be ready to interact with attendees as they approach.

The 2024 conference is scheduled to be an in-person event, and poster presentations will take place at the physical conference venue. For each accepted poster, at least one author is mandated to register for the conference and participate in the poster session in person.

Each poster will have a designated panel, measuring [to be provided] meters in height and [to be provided] meter in width. It is recommended to prepare your poster in A0 Portrait format and ensure it is printed well in advance.

-If you’d like to display media alongside your poster, you must use your own laptop.

-Your poster should ideally be in A0 size and portrait orientation.

-Ensure to print your poster in advance. The poster panel dimensions are []m high and []m wide.

{Template Link to be provided}

Demo Authors:

Demonstrations should capture the attention of the diverse community in Arts and Technology and be suitable for presentation in a conference setting, showcasing novel and innovative work.

The conference will supply the necessary basic infrastructure for the demos.

The 2024 conference is scheduled to be an in-person event, and demonsrations will take place at the physical conference venue. For each accepted demo, at least one author is mandated to register for the conference and participate in the demo session in person.

Authors are expected to bring physical equipment for a prototype demonstration. Make sure authors list their demo requirements to the committee with the camera-ready version.